Cream Pie College Sluts 4

When it comes to taking advantage of a higher education, most girls do so by studying hard, going to class and graduating with honors. Other girls go a slightly different route, though: instead of studying hard, they party hard and spread their sweet young legs for any guy with a red cup full of cheap beer and a hard-on! For these uninhibited girls, a warm load of cum sprayed deep inside of them is way more valuable than some flimsy piece of paper, especially if the load in question was dropped by someone with a top-paying major like computer science of engineering! Why bother studying when all you have to do is spread your ...Read More
legs for the right guy?


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Item#: KAP-75072 Media Type: DVD Region Code: All Picture Format: NTSC Picture Format: 16:9 Widescreen DVD Type: Dual layer Language: English No. of Disc: 1 SubTitle: N/A


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