Chica Boom 27

THE LATINA HERITAGE. If you married a person of Latin origin and have a daughter, you should know what to expect. First, she will never wear flat shoes. All her shoes will be open toed with at least two-inch heels, so she walks like a whore. Her skirts will never extend far below her ass cheeks. And her tops will always provide strangers with a great view of her cleavage. It doesn稚 matter how tight a leash you try to keep on her, she値l find a way to be a slut. It痴 her heritage! Learn to embrace it. Take pride in the fact that, instead of just making one special guy happy, she値l be making scores of guys happy! ...Read More
Item# KAP-10272
Studio Kick Ass
Series Chica Boom
Date 9/27/2004 (Out of Stock)
Play Time Apx. n/a


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Product Details

Item#: KAP-10272 Media Type: DVD Region Code: All Picture Format: NTSC Picture Format: Not Yet Confirmed DVD Type: n/a Language: English No. of Disc: 1 SubTitle: N/A


Motion Menus
Scene Selection
Behind The Scene
Starlet Bios
Sneak Previews
Sex Menus - Go Directly to Any Spot
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